58GG+RXR, Dong - Denchung Rd, Sikkim 737126, India
Warm, Cozy place. Ideal for guests who wish to experience a comfortable stay. Enjoy your stay with the full value of money. Clean and hygienic stay for your well-being. We ensure any traveler looking for comfort and adequate rest, that they are not unsatisfied. Pleasant and nice rooms, help to turn your mood on. Avail the fluid empathy of a home with the peace and privacy of a hotel. A beautiful room with a wonderful view helps to cheer you up. Its a home away from home. Come and have a delightf...Read More
Warm, Cozy place. Ideal for guests who wish to experience a comfortable stay. Enjoy your stay with the full value of money. Clean and hygienic stay for your well-being. We ensure any traveler looking ...Read More