Owl's Nest Village Retreat by StayApart

Vill Nair Kanthogi, Kanatal, Kaudia Range, Uttarakhand 249130, India

Deluxe Rooms Mountain view

A Deluxe Rooms Mountain view typically offers a spacious and well-appointed accommodation option designed for couples or small families...
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Room with Breakfast

FREE Breakfast

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Room With All Meals

FREE Breakfast

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Deluxe Rooms Mountain view

Room with Breakfast

FREE Breakfast

Room With All Meals

FREE Breakfast

All Meals FREE

Deluxe Cottage Mountain view

A Deluxe Cottage Mountain view typically offers a spacious and well-appointed accommodation option designed for couples or small famili...
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Room with Breakfast

FREE Breakfast

Pay Now

Room With All Meals

FREE Breakfast

+ 1 more
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Deluxe Cottage Mountain view

Room with Breakfast

FREE Breakfast

Room With All Meals

FREE Breakfast

All Meals FREE

Property Policies

Children and extra beds

Infant(below 5 yrs)

Guest with age 5 or below is considered an infant

Baby cot/crib may be requested directly from the property.


Guest with age between 5 and 12 is considered a child

Adults(above 12 yrs)

Guest with age above 12 is considered an adult

Check-in Check-out

  • Standard daily check-in time is 12:00 PM, Early checkin is allowed as per availability.

  • Standard daily check-out time is 12:00 PM, Late checkout is allowed as per availability.


  • Bachelors are Allowed

  • Documents are required while check in

  • Guests with local IDs are allowed

  • Outside food is NOT Allowed

  • Property is NOT pet friendly

  • Unmarried couple are Allowed

Property Policies

  • Guest with age 5 or below is considered an infant
  • Guest with age between 5 and 12 is considered a child
  • Guest with age above 12 is considered an adult
  • 1 child below 6 years stays FREE !
  • Standard daily check-in time is 12:00 PM
  • Early checkin is allowed as per availability.
  • Standard daily check-out time is 12:00 PM
  • Late checkout is allowed as per availability.
  • Bachelors are Allowed
  • Documents are required while check in
  • Guests with local IDs are allowed
  • Outside food is NOT Allowed
  • Property is NOT pet friendly
  • Unmarried couple are Allowed
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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I make a reservation at Owl's Nest Village Retreat by StayApart


Can I make a reservation for someone else at Owl's Nest Village Retreat by StayApart


Are group bookings available at Owl's Nest Village Retreat by StayApart

Space Type Amenities

What types of Room are available at Owl's Nest Village Retreat by StayApart

Cancellation And Charges

Can I change my booking dates after the booking at Owl's Nest Village Retreat by StayApart?

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Guest Reviews

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